Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Fall

Yes we have missed 02 well we had a problem. Wilma & I were cleaning out a fire grate when she backed up & trip over a small rock (could happen to anyone). Wilma landed on a large rock & she heard a crack, as most of you know Wilma does not show pain nor does she quite before the job is done.
I knew something was wrong when she said don't move me, go for help, I broke something. I ask her if she wanted to be moved she said NO! GO GET HELP. I knew I had better go (we do not have our radio as yet). I went to the Visitor Center. I told them we needed help, so they called for help. The EMT s were there in short order. We have one here & she called for more help. I believe we ended up with eight here. After making her ready she was loaded in an ambulance we went to the hospital.
They made X-Rays and found she had a broken leg bone (left) close to the hip. Wilma was in surgery by 3:00 it took an hour & a half. Laura Lee came up and set with me as we waited for Wilma, she then stayed for a while after Wilma returned to the room.
Today Wilma walked at 9:00 this AM & again at 2:00 this PM. They said she will walk two times a day and by Thursday or Friday she will go to the Rehab clinic. Wilma will stay in this clinic until she can go up stairs. It could have been a lot worse. I thank God it is not, and Wilma & I are believe she will be home soon.
Tank & I miss her very much. You know you become one, & one half on me is missing right now. I will work in the campground and go see her when I cane. It will be often as the people have been very nice. One said I could come and stay with him & his family, one said they would keep Tank. What I am going to do is stay here with Tank, I have a number where I can call Wilma once or twice a day, & I will go to see her often. Hay she can watch TV.
The spelling & wording is not Wilma fault & you know I do not know any better. I am old.
Hay I got to tell you this while it is new. A few night ago Wilma & I were in bed & it sounded like something was trying to eat the trailer (that is not good). I turned on some lights & it stopped. Tonight I heard it again. Tank barked a little, & I got up & turned on the lights. I got brave & went outside with a flashlight, upon shinning it under the trailer I saw a porcupine a big white one. I found out quick it was not afraid of me, but I do not think it liked the lights. After throwing rocks at it & shinning a light in it eyes it left, I hope. We cannot kill anything in the NM, but we can bug it.

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