Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wilma update #2

Wilma is doing better, but she is still on the walker. Wilma drove today for the first time, she did a washer of clothes Monday, and she is getting ready for a garage sale Saturday, now Margo & I helped, & will help Saturday (it is from 8:00 till 2:00).

Nanna, if you want to do it, just do it. People do it with income of all amounts. It is not how much money you have, but do you want to do it, if you do there is a way. It is not for everyone & both of you must want too. If you had to have a lot of money we could not do it. One thing that will help is to start planning & reading blogs of people that are doing it. Also there are books from people who are doing it & have done it. Remember you can wait to long to start.

You very seldom here of someone who tried something & wished they had not, but a lot of people that will wish they had tried something & did not. Remember life is like a book & those who do not travel only read one page.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Plan Update

Due to Wilma accident there has been a change in plans. We are not leaving San Angelo till 5-14-08. are around that time. UT stands for Utah.

Will be working as camp ground host at Cedar Brakes National Monument for the summer 6-1-08 till 9-31-08, it is at 9,500 ft. you need to come & see us.

This has been a dream of mine for some time, and we need to do it while we are still young. What we will do next year is still up in the air. We are thinking about Glacier National Park, we will see.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Update on Wilma

Wilma is doing as good as could be expected, better even. We went to church yesterday (early service) then last night, she had the nursery (I helped), then to the car wash.

Monday (4-11-08) she went to the Dr. who ordered X-rays. She then found out Tuesday that it was broke in two places (on the pelvis ring), but it was still aligned. She talked to Lynda (our daughter who is in med-school in NY, NY) Lynda talked to an Orthopedic Surgeon & he said that she should put presser on it (what she could stand). It should take six weeks to heal.

We have not change any plans. We will be in Dallas for a graduation on 5-9-08 & a wedding on 5-17-08, then a graduation in UT on 5-22-08 & orientation on 5-24-08 also in UT. We start to work in UT on 6-1-08.

Pray for us.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Workday at the Ranch

We had a good turnout for our workday at the Ranch. Raymond, & his son Matt, Stacy, Buddy & Margo, Elbert, & Wilma & I, of course Tank & Buddy (Matt's dog) were there to see that the work went on. John & Jonathan were there, but they were killing time and loading rocks. Some of the crew are coming later as the time did not work everyone.

Elbert & Stacy enclosed the shower, while Buddy, Matt, & Raymond did the 2X4 work inside. Wilma, & Margo were everywhere doing what needed to be done. I cooked some chicken soup, & took a few pictures. Tank & Buddy were able to keep the cows out of the campground.

What I did not get any pictures of was as Wilma & I were loading up to leave Wilma drove the 4-wheeler off the trailer. We were able to get it back on the trailer with no harm done to the 4-wheeler. The only damage to the trailer was the tongue jack was removed, it will be replaced with a new one. Slight damage to the 5er. The only major damage was to Wilma, as she broke her hip. She is doing well, she is bored, as she has to have a walker to get around.
A big thanks to everyone that helped.

Inside the building, notice the 2X4s on the wall. What isMatt doing??

We moved the cooler away from the building to make room for our shed where we can park our 4-wheelers etc.

Tank watching over the camp. what is Wilma doing?

Smoker with table & tarp waiting on someone to use them

Our 5er & pickup at the Ranch Campground, it is across from the building

Elbert & Stacey doing the frame work for the shower, yes you can shower now in private

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Parker Dam

We drove over to Parker Dam on Lake Havasu which is on the Colorado River, not the one in Texas, it is on the border between California & Arizona. We came up from Quartzsite AZ to Parker AZ on 95 a drive of around 35 miles. We then followed the river to Parker Dam a very nice drive, as was the drive from Quartzsite to Parker.

Crane for opening & closing generator gates

Generater outlet


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Day Trip

The five of us went on a day trip to the highest point in the area. A weatherman or scientist took his new bride the the top of this mountain in early 1900, they had to bring everything in by pack mule or on their backs. They had a two story cabin, which is still standing. Water had to be either rain or snow. They had no neighbors, no TV, no computers, no Town & Country or 7-11. It is still a weather station, but no one lives there now. Oh the cabin is made of tin.

Each arm is a eighty to hundred years in the making

Lunch Lake, Laddie, Wilma, & Tank on guard guess what I am doing

Wilma & Tank on top

The Lost Fisherman

This is the picture I had to remove, when the link was put in my comments. You cannot see much of the picture on the ground, but you get an idea of what it is from the sign. As this is a reverse blog as you read on & see more pictures you will understand, I hope.