Tuesday, September 2, 2008

8-29-08 Day in the life of a camphost

8-29-08 Day in the life of a camp host
This is a wonderful day low last night of 52 and a high of 71, wonderful sunshine. After Tank and I went for our walk we came back to pancakes with strawberries, and syrup. Later I split some wood and Wilma did a litter check and put some more pay envelopes out, I also did a restroom check. After lunch of a pita sandwich Wilma went to the maintenance building with Paula (other camp host) where they were getting some garbage cans ready to paint. Ron (other camp host) spotted some smoke, he called me to see I saw the same thing, (I did) he then called it in. They already had fire trucks on it.
This afternoon we will make at least two rounds in the camp ground and be around to answer questions. So go the life of a camp host.
Tonight we will have a star party, what is a star party? There are some astronomers coming up from Las Vega AZ. They will give a talk with a power point presentation on stars then let all who wants to look through their telescopes.

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