Monday, April 21, 2008

Update on Wilma

Wilma is doing as good as could be expected, better even. We went to church yesterday (early service) then last night, she had the nursery (I helped), then to the car wash.

Monday (4-11-08) she went to the Dr. who ordered X-rays. She then found out Tuesday that it was broke in two places (on the pelvis ring), but it was still aligned. She talked to Lynda (our daughter who is in med-school in NY, NY) Lynda talked to an Orthopedic Surgeon & he said that she should put presser on it (what she could stand). It should take six weeks to heal.

We have not change any plans. We will be in Dallas for a graduation on 5-9-08 & a wedding on 5-17-08, then a graduation in UT on 5-22-08 & orientation on 5-24-08 also in UT. We start to work in UT on 6-1-08.

Pray for us.


JAC said...

Here I was - all hoping that you would not be leaving for the summer. Bummer!!! I do hope my special Wilma heals very quickly!

Nanna's Place said...

Okay, but what is UT and are you leaving us?